About Us

Optimum Learning is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that was conceived by Monroe Ballard, owner of Optimum Studios, in 1999.  It is a minority-owned multi-media production company located in the heart of inner-city Memphis.  As a community leader, foster parent and concerned citizen and with many years of service to youth in Memphis, Tennessee and Shelby County, Ballard created Optimum Learning to give young people an opportunity to learn marketable media production skills that could lead the way to self-sufficiency, gainful employment and higher self-esteem. Using his own funds, assets, and social networks, Ballard instituted a Media Production Program that provided youth with training that can transfer to marketable skills in video production, editing, photography, computer technology, website design, and graphic design.

Through research, education and outreach, Optimum Learning strives to advance knowledge, and promote understanding by allowing students the unique opportunity to learn the “ins and outs” of video and audio production, photography, graphic design and marketing.  This, in-turn, provides them with the knowledge necessary to be successful in an entry level position using the latest state-of-the-art equipment.

With the support of in-kind services, donations and grants, Optimum Learning offers services at no cost to the greater Memphis community.  As Optimum Learning continues to expand, it will ultimately evolve into a self-sustained income-generating organization.

Graduates of the Media Production Program over the last 10 years have gone on to be employed in information technology departments of prestigious corporations, like Fed Ex, Flextronics Systems and Walgreens.  Two graduates have subsequently established their own companies to design computer graphics and manage information systems.