
Optimum Learning Multimedia Program (OLMP) students are exposed to a comprehensive media production curriculum.  The current course offerings are Audio/Video Production, Photography, Digital Arts and Marketing, and In Front of the Camera.  Additional courses will be added as needed.  Through lecture, critique, field trips and hands-on production work and with the aid of instructors and guest speakers, students have access to different points of view and a wide range of experiences.
As in most disciplines, the more experience one has in video production the more able one is to be more creative, use the technology to its fullest, and better adapt to the frequently unpredictable situations that occur in production.  Therefore, we encourage students to return for multiple sessions to become more proficient in there chosen disciplines.  Advanced students, in addition to being offered internships, will have individualized independent studies designed to help them polish their skills.


OLMP Instructors are drawn from a pool successful, artist, technicians, managers and administrators currently working globally in world of communications.  Instructors are required to have a minimum of 5 years experience and be active in their respective fields.  Through a combination of lecture, critique and hands-on production work, Optimum Learning instructors guide students through the comprehensive curriculum.  Some instructors will receive a stipend of $50 per class, while others will provide in-kind services. Each 2 to 4 hour class will be limited to10 students to help facilitate personalized instruction.  Guest Speakers also will be engaged to share their expertise and help to broaden the students’ perspectives.


Optimum Learning Multimedia Program will be seeking a diverse mix of students in terms of age, level of education, ethnicity and socio-economic status, and a portion of the participants will be considered economically disadvantaged. Applicants will be recruited through community organizations, public and private high schools, colleges and universities. Applications will be distributed and gathered through various locations.  Applicants will then go through a comprehensive interview process designed to determine their areas of interest and level of compatibility with program objectives.  Students will be responsible for their own transportation and any additional media they may require


Optimum Learning offers year-round internships which will be awarded to students who have successfully completed OLMP and to students currently enrolled in outside academic communications programs.  Interns will support OLMP administration and instructors, and students.  Generally the internships coincide with school sessions: September- December, January- April, May-August.  Dates, times and months are flexible; however, interns must make a minimum 3-month commitment of 2 to 3 days a week for which they will receive stipends of up to $150.00 per week.  Optimum Learning production internships are appropriate for pursuing many career paths, including producer, director, camera operator, grip, event coordinator and media researcher.  Post production internships are geared towards people who are interested in learning about media technology, 2D and 3D still and motion graphics, video editing and DVD authoring.  Students can often receive school credits for their internship hours.  Interns have the opportunity to learn and work in a hands-on environment. The more motivated they are the more they will learn.


Facilities and Equipment
Optimum Learning will lease program space and furniture and equipment from Optimum Studios, 735 North Parkway, Memphis, Tennessee, 38105.  Lease will include classroom, production, office space and all equipment necessary for the effective and comprehensive instruction of participants.  Equipment will include: studio cameras, audio recording studio equipment, microphones, tripods, projectors and screens, chairs, tables, and desks.  Optimum Learning will have recurring purchases of expendables, including video tapes, DVDs, CDs, inks, and paper.


While a limited amount of media and processing will be made available, students pay for their own project supplies and other expenses.  If a student is not able to purchase their supplies, the program will assist in the purchase.


Each year Optimum Learning offers two 16-week program sessions and one 8-week summer Intensive Session which roughly conform to school sessions.  Each class will meet one to three times a week.  In order to utilize the most qualified working professionals as Instructors, OLMP makes every allowance for scheduling challenges.  Each session begins with a 2-hour orientation session.


Session 1: January-April (16 weeks)
Summer Session: May-June (8 weeks)
Session 2: September-December (16 weeks)


Courses are offered concurrently during each session to allow interaction among the various disciplines. While A/V Production students are cast and crew for many of their productions, they are also crew for any video or audio production required by In Photography, Front of the Camera and Digital Arts and Marketing.  Photographers need models, Designers need clients, and talent needs everybody.  The program becomes a living, breathing production, particularly during preparation for the final Red Carpet Showcase.


Red Carpet Showcase (Optional)
Each session will conclude with a formal Red Carpet Showcase and Graduation Ceremony.  Students will have an opportunity to showcase their work in front of family and friends.   Interested industry leaders who could positively impact the students’ futures will also be invited.